What are your income/salary and annual income as a Professional Life Coach?

What is a life coach?

To briefly explain

Life + Coach

It is a job to support life through conversation using coaching.

  • Life coach job

Coaching session

There are two types of coaching session work.

Contract with an individual and have a coaching session

I think that many life coaches are mainly active in this 1on1 personal coaching.

Specifically, we will support the growth of our clients by concluding contracts with individual clients and building ongoing relationships.

It depends on the coach, but basically, we set up a coaching session of 45 to 60 minutes three or two times a month, and have a conversation according to the theme that the client thought.

In such a relationship, we encourage the growth of our clients.

You can also get a report by e-mail about the action plan (action goal) decided in the session, self-coaching, and what you noticed in your daily efforts.

In my case, I hold sessions three or two times a month based on each client’s contract. Most sessions are online, but can also be held face-to-face if the client so desires.

In my case, for support, I receive unlimited emails for the duration of the contract, and I may receive reports by email or give feedback by email with the consent of the client.

For me, coaching is a partnership between a coach and a client, so coaching continues not only during the session but also at other times.

Email feedback and reports are part of that.

Coaching session with a contract with a company

As a life coach, I may enter into a contract with a company and work based on this contract. Since it is based on a contract, there are various forms.

The company pays for it, and there are 1on1 sessions and group coaching.

In addition, we often offer programs that combine coaching sessions and seminar formats.

Training Instructor

As a life coach, I was the seminar instructor.

  • Communication training at a company
  • Team building training at a company
  • Mental health training at a company
  • Civic Lecture

That’s all.

The content of the seminar is originally delivered according to the client’s purpose, planning, and needs, based on his experience as a life coach and the process and experience he has lived as a coach.

Some people talk in-hospital training or in college classes.

Another pattern is to conclude a contract with a training company and go to the training requested from there. It is a pattern of doing business individually and training with companies.

In my case as well, I still have both work with companies that I am involved in throughout the year and work that I receive from training companies.

Work to raise coaches

It is a job to raise a life coach.

  • Coaching school management
  • Coaching school assistant
  • Training in-house coaches

It will be considered.

Coaching school management

It is a form in which I host a coaching school. Depending on the coaching school, coaching courses may be held according to the textbook to teach one-on-one coaching.

Coaching school assistant

At the school I graduated from, there is a coach who runs the class called a class coach. I have been in charge for a year and a half, and once a week in a 90-minute class, I was in charge of feedback to the coach during class progress and training.

Training in-house coaches

It is a job to train managers in training and coaching and to develop those who will be coaches in the company.

Consulting for Coaches

Some coaches offer to consult to become independent coaches for individuals.

  • Get a job at a company

From a broad perspective of coaching, you may be hired to coach as an employee of a coaching company. A major coaching firm is looking for employees.

The above is the way of working as a life coach that I know.

Life coach schedule

According to my schedule, I currently have about 60 sessions a month. I control it so that I can exert my best power.

Other than that, it is in the form of going to training for companies that have contracts on a continuous basis, updating youtube, and public relations activities.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a coach’s job?

I would like to introduce the advantages (reward) and disadvantages (severity) of the work of a life coach.

  • Benefits of working as a coach (rewarding)

Being able to join a part of life

It’s more of a job than merit. The real thrill of a life coach is to share a part of your life with your client.

I am truly grateful and happy to be in a position where our clients grow and achieve their vision. I think this is something that only a coach can do.

A high degree of freedom in time and work style

I’m not very particular about it, but I wrote it because it’s often asked. Many people look at my lifestyle and say, “It’s okay to decide the time to work for yourself” or “I’m okay to do what I like. “

Certainly, compared to when I was an office worker, I have a lot of time freedom.

  • Disadvantages (severity) of the job of coaching

To be a coach, you need to be prepared to take risks. There is a risk that everything will be zero tomorrow. If you do not take that risk, it will be difficult to operate or manage independently.

It was easier for me as an office worker to get a lot of support from the company.

What I thought about quitting the company

For example, if I was an office worker, I wouldn’t have to worry about salary, and I wouldn’t have to worry about taxes or insurance if I could fulfill the role I was entrusted with.

When you become a sole proprietor, you don’t just have to improve your work (coaching) skills.

Of course, you can improve your coaching skills and contribute to your clients, but in addition to that, there are many things to do and learn, such as “how to deliver coaching?”, “Balance of income and expenditure”, and “tax”. is.

However, in my case, even if I take on such a little troublesome thing that I do not want to do, there are people who want to realize the world, and coaching that I want to realize by coaching, so I am continuing my activities.

  • Can you make money?

As a coach, I often ask this question. It’s been four years since I started coaching, but for the first two years, I was coaching as a side business.

Many of the coaches I know take several years to become independent or work side-by-side.

Of course, in a few months, you may be able to become independent as a coach. Originally, people who are attracting attention, who have excellent sales skills, who have marketing skills, or who have special skills will be easy to get on track.

In my case, I was originally a nurse, so I had no business sense. However, thanks to the people around me, I can become independent as a coach in two years, and it is often said that it is early to get on track.

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